You have been given access to SONIA Online, the student placement management system for ACAP students. Sonia includes all the information and resources to ensure you are successful in your workplace experience (WPE). Please follow the steps outlined to guide you through the WPE preparation process.

User guides, unit outlines and WPE documents are provided in the 'Documents' area on the right-hand side of this home screen.

Log into Sonia above:

Role: Select "Student"
User name: 
Student number
Password:  Same as the Student Portal email

Pre-WPE steps:
1. Complete Section 1 'Workplace Experience A & B Application' form, found under the 'Forms' tab above, by Week 5 of your 1st Study Period

2. Upload your Police Check into the 'Documents' tab

You must select 'show to acap mentor' when uploading documents into Sonia

All WPEA information is provided in the handbook:

Student Workplace Experience  Handbook

Note: To open links in a new tab:  Ctrl + left click

ACAP services: 
ACAP Student Services and Support

The ACAP Learning Hub

ACAP Library






The following steps outline the WPEA process. It is important that you request enrolment into WPEA with the Student Engagement team as soon as you can in order to give ACAP time to allocate your WPE.
Students commence WPE after they have completed their course work.

WPEA steps:

1. Request enrolment into 'LLP4013 - Workplace Experience A' as soon as possible. Enrolments open for the next study period in Week 4 of the current study period. Email the Student Engagement team via: 

GDLP Enrolment Schedule 2025

You should enrol in WPEA and WPEB at the same time.

2. Complete
Section 1 of the 'Workplace Experience A & B Application' form found in the 'Forms' tab above by the end of Week 5.

*We are unable to guarantee WPE in your preferred law practice areas.

3. You will receive an email confirming your WPE organisation and start date.

All WPEA information including assessment instructions are outlined in the handbook.

All assessment items
must be uploaded into the 'Documents' tab. When uploading documents, ensure the 'show to acap mentor' option is ticked. 

Student Workplace Experience Handbook


The following steps outline the WPEB process.

Students may apply for credit (Recognition of Prior Learning) for WPEB. Details provided in the Student WPE Handbook below.

WPEB steps:

1. Ensure you have requested the Student Engagement team to enrol you into your chosen option of Workplace Experience B. Enrolments open for the next study period in Week 5 of the current study period.

Students choose one of the following four WPEB unit options:
1. LLP4020 - 45 days WPE
2. LLP4021 - 30 days WPE
   + 1 elective
3. LLP4022 - 15 days WPE
   + 2 electives
4. LLP4023 - 0 days WPE
   + 3 electives

Email the Student Engagement team via:

Unit outlines are provided in the GDLP Course Structure and also in the 'Documents' section on the right-hand side of this home page.

2. Complete Section 2 of the 'Workplace Experience A & B Application' form found in the 'Forms' tab above.
Students can carry out WPEB with the same organisation as WPEA, self-organise another WPE, or apply for credit (RPL). 

3. You will receive an email confirming your WPE organisation and start date after you have submitted Section 2 of application form

All WPEB information including assessment instructions are outlined in the handbook.

All assessment items
must be uploaded into the 'Documents' tab. When uploading documents, ensure the 'show to acap mentor' option is ticked.

Student Workplace Experience  Handbook 



All students must complete 10 hours of legal professional engagement (PE), additional to WPE, throughout the duration of their studies.

Details on the types of  PE that can be carried out, and instructions on how to submit evidence can be found in the 'Professional Engagement Information' document on right side of home screen, and in the 'Professional Engagement Form' found in the 'Forms' tab above.

Important: The PE form will be added to the Forms tab after you have secured and registered WPEA.